Avoidance / Exposure / Growth

BOLD Schools Series 3:  Creating a BOLD Growth/Exposure Ladder for Change 

BOLD Schools 4 - Avoidance/Exposure/Growth

Avoidance / Exposure / Growth

A “how to” session on walking young people and their families through developing and implementing an exposure / BOLD Growth ladder to overcome fear/anxiety-based avoidance, confront defense mechanisms or move toward values and strengths from Jason Bohn, LCPC founder and Clinical Director of the Two Tents Intensive Outpatient Programs for adolescents. We will provide concrete exposure lists and processes for building Growth ladders to 1) help a young person and their family move away from avoidance (like from school) and 2) move toward values like courage and bravery that increase confidence and willingness to do hard things.

Handout for BOLD Ladders - School Avoidance.pdf


Examples for Building Growth Ladders.pdf

Examples for Building Growth Ladders

Building a School Exposure Plan

Animated short explaining how to build an exposure plan / Growth Ladder to overcome school avoidance.

Confronting Defense Mechanisms

Animated short explaining how to build an exposure plan / Growth Ladder to confront Defense Mechanisms


Article on the Zone of Proximal Development